Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Edward Unconditionally by Lynn Lorenz

This was a wonderful book.  Jack is the Chief of Police in a small town and he is straight.  Or is he?  Edward is an out and proud gay man traveling through Jack’s small town.  When Jack pulls Edward over in his little sport car sparks fly. 

What I really liked was watching the entire story unfold.  The loving grandmother that Edward was kept away from as a child--they reunited and formed a strong and loving bond which I adored.  The supportive friends that Edward made enhanced the story. The relationship between Edward and his dog cracked me up.

Last but by far not least, Jack.  I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the relationship between Jack and Edward evolve.  I loved watching Jack come to terms with who he was and what he wanted.  I cheered when he found the strength to go for what his heart desired to make his life happy.   

Thanks for just a great book, Lynn! 

my rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


  1. Nice review Sandy. This seems like a book I will need to pick up. How would you improve the book?

  2. Thanks, Jamie. I gave your question a lot of thought and this is what I came up with....Absolutely nothing. Edward and his dog were very charming. The love between Edward and his grandmother touching. The in-denial sheriff, exactly as you'd expect him to be when having an inner struggle. Add supportive friends and this made for an all around great book. The only thing that upset me a bit was Edward's mothers attitude, but some people are just that way, even in real life, and you have to learn to deal with it.
